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Training & Consulting
creative arts & intergenerational program specialists

SilverKite® Community Arts uses the arts as a tool to help bridge generations and eliminate the effects of loneliness.  We aim to help strengthen communities of all sizes, from small companies and schools to cities, counties, and regions.

We offer consulting services and professional development workshops to help you develop the same skills we use to connect communities through the arts. 


Let us know how we can help you.  Trainings are available online and in person for your community. for schools, companies, senior living organizations and providers, libraries, non-profit organizations, health care workers, and faith communities.


Community-Engaged & Intergenerational Programs

Looking to develop an exciting and effective program for your school, senior living community, or organization design to bring generations together?  SilverKite can help!  With decades of intergenerational program experience under our belt, we can work with you and your team craft successful intergenerational programs and curricula enjoyable and stimulating for all participants

Arts Programs & Activities for Older Adults

Do you work with older adults in a care setting, as a caregiver, or as a community organization?  Crafting fun and stimulating programs with older adults in mind is our specialty!  Let's work together to create something that works for your residents or community.  We design, facilitate, and train others to offer arts programs for adults aging in place, or older adults living in senior living communities in independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing, adult family homes, or in memory care

Arts as Respite:  Community Building and Relaxation

Studies have shown that arts engagement can help manage stress, even if you don't think you're creative (hint! we're all artists!).  The arts also encourage us to play which is important at any age, helping us to express ourselves in new ways and ignite and explore new ideas.  We're professionals in play!  SilverKite offers relaxing and fun arts workshops for organizations, caregivers, health providers, and anyone who needs a stress release!  Contact us to design a custom arts-based workshop for your team, organization, or community.

Arts in Healthcare

Battling cancer or any chronic illness is challenging for both patients and loved ones.  The challenge is both physical and emotional.  SilverKite CEO Jen Kulik is a breast cancer survivor and understands from personal experience how the arts can play a positive role in healing from cancer and other chronic diseases.  SilverKite partners with health care providers and health support systems to design and facilitate arts programs for families impacted by cancer, dementia, and other chronic illnesses.

Arts and Caregiving

Caregiving is a difficult job.  SilverKite helps caregivers to develop tools to broaden and deepen their caregiving practice by using the arts as a tool to help connect, calm, and care for loved ones at home and in other care facilities.  

Arts Programs
Arts as Respite
Arts in Healthcare
Arts and Caregiving
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Professional Development

SilverKite offers professional development workshops for caregivers, librarians, senior living & senior services professionals, educators, and community program creators. 

All programs are currently offered online. Can be offered in person by request.

Contact to book a session! In your message, please include:

  • The name of your community and what type of residents you serve

  • What session number you are interested in, or a custom workshop

  • What dates & times you are looking for

  • If you would like to book an in-person workshop, please include your community's address. Please note that we currently serve King, Pierce, and Sno-Isle counties.


Workshops are $1000 each. Continuing education (CE) credits are available through LeadingAge Washington.


To view recordings of past Professional Development workshops, click here.  

Interested in a customized workshop for your community?  Contact us.

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Session 1: Social Isolation and Community Building

During this session, participants will:

• Learn about the effects of social isolation, explore ways Merrill Gardens staff members are tackling it in their communities

• Learn and engage in activities that can be used to strengthen connections between staff and residents post-COVID

• Troubleshoot issues in your communities about residents not interested in connecting with others

• Get to know other Merrill Gardens staff members

Session 2: Introduction to Creative Aging

The field of Creative Aging is growing, with more studies indicating showing participating in creative activities is beneficial to adults at any age. This workshop will outline the research and explore ways to incorporate more creative engagement practices in your activity schedule and beyond.

During this session, participants will:
• Explore the research behind creative engagement throughout the lifespan
• Learn structures and techniques to develop more creative engagement
opportunities in your community through programming and other methods
• Share ideas within the cohort
• Engage in creative activities that can be replicated for residents

Session 3: The Importance of Play

Play is important throughout the lifespan. During this workshop we’ll explore different
kinds of play, why play is important, and strategies on incorporating more playful
engagement opportunities to encourage yourself and your residents to play - every day!

During this session, participants will:
• Learn about the research behind play and how it contributes to memory, cognition,
and understanding
• Learn about why play is important throughout the lifespan
• Develop an understanding of different kinds of play through interactive examples
• Explore ways to bring more play into your lives and the lives of residents through
different kinds of playful activity examples

Session 4: Arts and Older Adults

In this engaging hands on workshop we will explore why engaging in arts activities are beneficial to older adults, model arts workshop facilitation, and participate in some sample arts activities that can be brought back into your community.

During this session, participants will:
• Engage in multiple arts activities designed for older adults which can be brought
back to your community
• Learn facilitation and arts workshop development techniques
• Gain familiarity with research behind arts engagement for older adults
• Brainstorm ideas with the cohort

Session 5: Arts and Dementia

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, “about 1 in 9 age 65 and older (10.7%) has Alzheimer’s” disease. As the number of older adults in the US continues to grow, the number of older adults living with dementia in our communities will also grow. What role can the arts play in creating dementia friendly communities and help improve the quality of life for persons with dementia and their care partners? During this workshop, we will
explore these questions, examining our own ideas and experiences with dementia, and how we can create inclusive arts spaces for persons with dementia.

During this session, participants will:
• Gain a better understanding of dementia - what is it, how it affects our communities,
caregivers, families, etc.
• Discuss studies about the intersection of the arts and dementia and how these
studies have influenced / reflected best programs and practices
• Explore the topics of dignity, ageism, ableism, and personhood and how arts
practice and facilitation can (and should) address and honor inclusivity in arts
programs despite physical and cognitive challenges
• Engage in arts activities which model successful techniques of working with persons
with dementia in the arts

• Brainstorm and share ideas for curriculum development

Session 6: Fostering Intergenerational Connections

Studies have shown that social isolation can lead to increased levels of depression, anxiety, and physical illness. The COVID pandemic has exacerbated this problem, especially in the older adult population. The need to connect has never been more important.

During this workshop, participants will:
• Explore the research behind intergenerational practice through the lens of social
isolation - why is it important, especially now?
• Share and reflect on past experiences in intergenerational work and explore some
best practices in the field
• Discuss some tenants in creating intergenerational programs - are they universal
across cultures?
• Share / brainstorm ideas for future programs
• Discuss logistics behind creating intergenerational programming - finding partners,
budget, etc.

Session 7: Developing and Facilitating Drama /
Theatre Programs

During this workshop participants will:

• Explore ways to bring drama and the theatre arts into your communities.

• Learn about successful drama programs for older adults across the country.

• Gain an understanding of why participating in drama is beneficial.

• Participate in drama activities that you can bring back to share with your residents.

Session 8: Creating a Murder Mystery Program for
your Community 

Murder Mysteries are a fun way to engage residents - and connect with the community!


During this 2-hour session, participants will:

• Learn about successful Murder Mystery program models used in senior living communities

• Develop an understanding of how to create a Murder Mystery program in your community

• Engage in a sample Murder Mystery program with professional actors from SilverKite

Session 9: Let's Play! Activity Exchange

During this session, up to 3 Merrill Gardens staff members will lead the group through a 10 minute activity that they have done in their community which has worked. We will discuss each activity afterwards, giving feedback on facilitation, the activity itself, and discuss adaptations. Copies of the activities will be provided to the participants.

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Social Isolation
Creaive Aging
Older Adults
Murder Mystery
Let's Play!
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